Friday, 11 May 2012

TGIF (5) - Supporting Characters

TGIF is a weekly feature
created and hosted by the awesome Ginger at GReads
that re-caps the week’s posts and
has a different question each week.

This Friday's Question:

Supporting Characters: We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favorites?

Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games):
He was actually the first character that came to mind. At the beginning when you meet Finnick you think it's all about the good looks and how he has it all (well he is HOT!), But as you read on you start to see more depth to his character, you get to see a more emotional side of him and you start to realise that there is more to him then what first think, his character development really presents his bravery, fear and pain that his endured which may be the reason I fell in love with his character!

Tod Hudson (Soul Screamers):
He is definitely a character who seems to always be there to help by popping up here and there. I think he has an interesting past and there is more to him then what meets the eye, I believe he still cares about others and does his best to save people when their in trouble without really expressing too many emotions.

Let me know who you think is a great supporting character! leave your TGIF link in the comment box so I can check it out!


  1. Finnick is such a great choice! I also really like Johanna, she was feisty!!

  2. Love Finnick! I really want to read the Soul Screamers series and meet the whole premise! Thanks for visiting!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  3. I loved Finnick too! He was defintley a very well developed character. :)
    I stil need to read Soul Screamers, but Todd sounds interesting.

    My TGIF/Follow Friday

  4. I haven't read that one but sure adding it to my tbr list!

    Following ^^ Happy weeking!
    My tGiF
    Valery • The Book Of Owl’s

  5. Loved Finnick and Haymitch too actually - 2 of my favorite side-kicks :-)


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