Wednesday, 23 May 2012

My Book Boyfriend #3 - Lucas Parker

It's Wednesday today which means it's that time of the week where I get to fangirl over one of my favourite book boys!
My Book Boyfriend is hosted by Missie at the Unread Reader

This week I want fangirl about Lucas Parker from Born at Midnight because I'm reading the book at the moment and totally fangirling over all the hot male characters that this book has to offer!

Description of Lucas

  •  Lucas is a werewolf
  •  Has a mysterious background
  •  Dark haired
  •  Blue Eyed
  •  He is just TOO MUCH HOTNESS!

“Kylie watched as his shirttail upward, exposing a very hard abdomen. The hem of his shirt inched higher, and she took in the cutest inny belly button she'd ever seen. And then his chest. Solid. Hard. A few drops of water glistened against his skin. Hear heart beat to the sound of passion again.”

At first he comes off as a bit cold hearted but then you see a more protective and caring person in there who will make you swoon with a passion.

I couldn't find quotes that wouldn't ruin the rest of the book for myself but HIS DAMN SEXY is all you need to know!

If you know of any quotes from the book that would be a good addition to describe Lucas just let me know!
Leave your link below in the comment section so I go over to your blog and check out your book boyfriend.


  1. I still haven't read this series! I know I should, because I love paranormals, even the typical-looking ones (sorry, but the BaM series looks totally obvious paranormal series XD) and I want to meet a sexy werewolf I actually like (besides Daniel in The Dark Divine :D)!


    1. I loved Daniel from Dark Divine but you'll definitely love Lucas too!

  2. Feels like forever since I've read this book, but I do remember being very curious about Lucas. I'm gonna have to catch up with the series to find out what happened to that boy! I wish I could see the world's cutest inny belly button. *le sigh*

    1. I want to see the world's cutest inny belly button too :D

  3. OK! You convinced me!! Totally. I'll read this book!! Thank you for sharing him!! ;) :)

    1. You should most DEFINITELY read the book!

  4. Love all the quotes you chose! I really loved Lucas when I read this awhile ago. I need to catch up with the series soon. Thanks for sharing!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

    1. Lucas is awesome and this series is worth carrying on!

  5. I absolutely LOVE Lucas, he's the BEST! Not only is he totally swoon worthy based on those images, but those quotes have me drooling a bit! I think a re-read is in order for me this weekend. Thank you so much for sharing him - have a great rest of the week! :)

    Here's mine:

    1. Those images are swoon worthy they had me fangirling :D

  6. I'll admit, I was a little iffy about this series, but you've convinced me to read it! And those pictures are absolutely perfect!

    Here’s my Book Boyfriend


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